
Why this Blog?

Promotion, Updates
Posted by: admin

Why am I running a blog?  Why am I posting development updates, when there’s no audience yet other than the accidental visitor or web spider bots?

I’m posting this blog as a way to document my journey of launching this new product/concept.  It’s a way to keep my thoughts/ideas/plans/to-do list off my head, and onto to this blog. That way, I can review what needs to be done, what has been done and how far we’ve come along. It’s also a good way to keep track of my progress, problems I’ve encountered and it’s solutions, and basically an accountability partner. It helps me focus on what’s next that needs to be done.  So yeah, even if there are no other readers or audience to this blog, it’s serving a very important purpose and a very important audience — me.

FABModules update – Week of Feb. 3, 2013

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Posted by: admin

We should be getting the first sets of FAB Modules prototypes sometime by the end of this week, or early next.

Once I received the FAB Modules PCB, I’ll start populating them with parts, soldering and testing them.  I’ll try to take detailed photos of the different FABs and it’s step-by-step assembly.  Maybe there’s also a blog article there or two, on tools of the trade, DIY tips and application ideas…. if I have time this week, I’ll add more content to the site.

There’s still a lot of work to be done… like documentation, gathering the Bill of Materials, procuring parts, and writing the Application Notes, and more testing. Sometimes it seems overwhelming but I have no doubt we’ll somehow get through all this work. Continue Reading…